To ensure you are selecting the best benefit options for you and your family, please spend some time reviewing the plan information on this website, including the costs and coverage levels.
In general, you are eligible to participate in the Benefits Program if you are a regular, full-time employee working at least 30 hours per week.
When you enroll yourself in the Benefits Program, you may also cover your eligible dependents for benefits.
Eligible dependents include your:
- Legal spouse (only if not eligible for medical coverage with their employer)
- Children up to age 26
- Unmarried child(ren) over age 19 fully dependent on you and incapable of self-support because of a total physical or mental disability
- Beginning of Employment
- Life Event
- Open Enrollment
Current Employees
You may add, drop, or make changes to your benefits during Open Enrollment. These choices become effective January 1, 2025. Take special note if any of the following statements are true:
- You want to be in a different plans than you had in 2024
- You want to drop out of a plan you had in 2024
- You want to start covering an eligible dependent you did not cover in 2024
- You want to stop covering an eligible dependent covered in 2024
New Hires and Newly Eligible Employees
You have 30 days from your hire or eligibility date to complete your enrollment.